Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Okay, I'll admit it. I hate snakes. I'm scared to death of them. Mice, spiders, bees I can deal with, but snakes are evil. First there was that snake that caused us all to get kicked out of THE Garden, where we all ran around joyously naked. Well, maybe that wasn't such a bad thing, but....
I go to zoos and walk around to see everything, but I suddenly get very tired when the reptile house comes up. See, I don't mind lizards or things that run fast and look green. Just don't make me look at a slithered snake.  I'll be happy sitting on a hot bench sweltering in the hot sun waiting for a friend that is brave and fearless and crazy enough to go into the abyss of the snake house.

I am in good company as that adventurer Indiana Jones hated snakes too. However, I would have never jumped into any pit to find the Ark of the Covenant like he did. No thank you Indy, even though I like all your movies. I close my eyes at that part. Covering my ears and singing loudly helps too, or if I am in company...mute is a wonderful button. Snakes on a Plane will never be seen. I would not survive.

I come by it naturally. My dad is afraid of snakes. He used to run them over with the mower. Thus the  saying, the only good snake is a dead snake. Okay maybe that's not a saying. My daughter on the other hand can pick them up. She rescues people like me from the danger of a snake 3 miles away.
She couldn't have come from my womb. I wonder if she was switched before birth????

Wikipedia has a name for that phobia fear of snakes. You can see the name in the title. I could only write it once as it gave me the "willies" to do that. A full third of us have that phobia. I am not alone.

This writing came about because I was having a wonderful time at the river, and stopped to take a picture of a little tree growing in the water.  See I am reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn right now and I thought “aw, a tree grows in the Mississippi. " Then what I thought was a branch slithered .... SNAKE!!

So after my heart rate slowed back down from beyond infinity, I came back home to my safe couch, drank some soothing infused raspberry water, and kept a careful eye on the door. My daughter lives too far, I need to be ready to run.

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