Tuesday, May 6, 2014

slow down

I've been reading Notes from a Blue Bike by Tsh Oxenreider. The premise of her book is living a simpler life in the midst of a fast paced world. It's about being intentional in slowing down.

We all live now in a world where everything is fast from our internet connection to our food. We drive instead of walk cause it's faster. We text instead of call cause it's easier. We have bigger and better televisions to draw us in and take us away. Times flies when you get caught up in HGTV.
Yes, I'm guilty of all three.

We have lost connections to our friends and family. We have lost the dining room table- mine is usually covered with piles of stuff. Sometimes I don't know if I am coming or going aka the piles of stuff. We have lost who we are in this technical world we have created.

Tsh has it right in saying we have to be intentional in getting back what we have lost, but moving towards a slower and simpler life can take time. It doesn't just happen.

One of my intentional choices right now is slowing down with my food. Food defines you, and is the sustenance that gives you energy. I am also back walking after such a long cold winter. Last night, I pumped up the tires of my bike. I'm heading out today to enjoy a quiet ride by the river. I'm reading more good books. I'm making intentional choices at work and saying no more when I'm feeling overwhelmed. That's the beginning for me in my effort to slow down my life.

I am returning to the written word slowly. I have always wanted to write. I journaled for years, and then I quit for the last seven. I have been caught up in many other things, many important, some not so much. The Disney Frozen song of "Let it Go" resonates with me as I need to let go of baggage that is too heavy for me, and lighten my load.  Jesus said to let him take on our burdens, but I think even Jesus would throw some of mine off.

One of my favorite hymns has the words “tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be free."*
Freedom comes when we live a simpler life. The joys of sitting down to eat dinner at a table can still be before us. Hearing your friend's voice instead of seeing words on a screen is wonderful.

Letting go of my HGTV...hmmm, I will have to think about that one.

*18th Century Shaker Hymn “Simple Gifts"

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